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This is gorgeous as vfx artist i love seeing bloom in anything.

Your gameplay is uniuqe and promotes player to keep playing.

I think if an array of different colors and patterns exploded off enemies would add extra wow factor. this is great

Thanks for the feedback! If I get around to making a post-jam version, I'll be sure to add in more visual effects flavour!


- Brilliant proof of concept (am tempting to make something similar)
- Excellent use of light effect to cover up the simplicity of the player and enemy sprites
- Use different color for the "former lives" so that the we know which player we're currently controlling
- Maybe ignore collision between "former lives" and current player (it's hard to move around if your path is blocked)
- Maybe reduce the number for "former lives"

Thank you for the feedback! Your suggestions are quite on point, I'll keep them in mind if I get around to making a post-jam version!