The Heart of the World Tree is being attacked by fireballs! Protect the Heart as long as you can by blocking the fireballs!

This simple little game was made in under 72 hours by me in the game jam Ludum Dare 46 (my first game jam!) The gameplay is inspired by the classic title "Breakout", but essentially reversed.

  • Movement: Arrow keys
  • Pause: Escape

I initially was targeting just a Windows standalone, but deciced  that a web build would be easier for other people to get working. This, however, broke the nice bloom post-processing effect that the game had. Oh well, lesson learned! If you are on Windows, I've provided a Windows standalone build as well available for download. Oh, and also, the "quit game" button breaks the web player, apparently.


Download 32 MB

Install instructions

To play the Windows standalone, download the .zip file, find the HeartOfTheWorldTree.exe file and run it. If your computer warns you not to run suspicious .exe files you found on the Internet, you can tell your computer to run it anyway (if you trust me, that is).

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